
Empower The East

Your Voice Matters.

Empower The East has been designed to give the “invisible people” and
“the little guy” a voice in how our local government behaves.

How can you help?

by | Jun 28, 2023 | News & Updates

There are several ways for you to help:


1. Sign the Petition

By adding your name to our petition, you lend your voice to our collective demand for change. Every signature brings us closer to our goals and your support matters.

You can sign the petition here


2. Share the Petition

Spread the word and amplify our message by sharing the petition to your friends, family, and other social networks. Together, we can reach a wider audience and generate greater awareness about the issues we are passionate about.


3. Follow and Share Empower the East Social Media Accounts

Social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness and connecting with like-minded individuals. By sharing our accounts with your friends, family, and followers, you’re helping us reach a wider audience and increasing our impact.

FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093544632391

YOUTUBE | https://www.youtube.com/@empowertheeast

LINKEDIN | https://www.linkedin.com/in/empower-the-east-4a6b1227a/

PINTEREST | https://www.pinterest.ph/empowertheeast

TWITTER | https://twitter.com/empowertheeast

REDDIT | https://www.reddit.com/user/empowertheeast

TUMBLR | https://www.tumblr.com/empowertheeast

BITCHUTE | https://www.bitchute.com/channel/im4joF93Dn8r/

VIMEO | https://vimeo.com/empowertheeast


4. Share your Opinions / Experience

Your unique perspective is invaluable to our cause. We encourage you to share your opinions, experiences, and insights related to issues at hand. Your input can help shape the conversation and provide crucial context for our advocacy efforts.

You can share your opinions / experience by emailing social@empowertheeast.com.au


5. Participate in Dialogue

Join us in our meetings and discussions to actively contribute to the development of strategies and actions plans. Your involvement and ideas are essential for fostering an inclusive and effective movement.

You can join our telegram channel here